Job Postings
Data Explorer
Discover the current state of the job market and gain valuable insights into our up-to-date job postings database!
Jobs Found
since 2020
Sources Used
per Month
Countries Covered
per Month
New Jobs
per Day
Job Posting Data
Looking to gain valuable insights into job offerings from companies around the world? Look no further than our Job Posting Data, providing you with access to over 260k job ads per day from more than 240 countries.
Our job data platform allows you to effortlessly collect and filter vast amounts of job postings, without having to build, maintain, and operate your infrastructure to crawl the web, scrape job postings, normalize raw data, and enhance the final data.
With our job data stream, you can easily:
- Generate insights into the job and labor market
- Extract skills in demand
- Identify tools and technology trends
- Boost your competitive intelligence
- Identify potential customers
- Improve your strategic market intelligence
- or need a job postings API for other reasons!
Whatever your needs may be, our datasets and datafeeds provides you with the data necessary to make informed data-driven decisions and gain valuable insights.
Job Postings Throughput
Month | # New Jobs | # Countries |
2025-02 | 8.3 M | 229 |
2025-01 | 9.1 M | 217 |
2024-12 | 8.0 M | 221 |
2024-11 | 8.2 M | 227 |
2024-10 | 7.6 M | 246 |
2024-09 | 7.7 M | 241 |
2024-08 | 8.7 M | 240 |
2024-07 | 8.2 M | 249 |
2024-06 | 6.9 M | 247 |
2024-05 | 5.7 M | 238 |
2024-04 | 4.7 M | 238 |
2024-03 | 3.1 M | 234 |
2024-02 | 3.1 M | 220 |
2024-01 | 3.5 M | 139 |
Our Data
Our data is provided in JSON format via an API or through downloadable daily data files for each country. You can subscribe to our Job Posting Datafeeds of individual countries, buy historical data starting from 2020 as Job Posting Datasets, or access specific slices of our Data via our Job Postings API (e.g., all Healthcare jobs for the EU)!
We offer our job posting data files on AWS Data Exchange (ADX) and our Job Postings API on RapidAPI.
Dataset Samples
To get first impression and test the workflow you can access our Luxembourg job dataset for free. Luxembourg largely dependent on the banking, steel, and industrial sectors. As of 2023, Luxembourg's population stands at 650k with a GDP per capita of 132k USD. The dataset starts January 1st, 2020, comprises of approx. 250k job ads, and grows by roughly 10k job listings monthly.
Alternatively, we have published several Datasets on Kaggle that you can explore:
- US Job Postings from May 5th 2023 (33k records; 805 MB GZip file - 4.46 GB uncompressed JSON)
- Ireland Job Postings from October 2022 (37k records; 101 MB GZip file)
- Ireland Job Postings from October 2021 (25k records; 56 MB GZip file)
- Ireland Job Postings from October 2020 (30k records; 58 MB GZip file)
- International Job Postings from September 2021 (3.4m records; 8 GB GZip file - 50 GB uncompressed)
or download a small JSON file with upto 3 records from 30 sources and 240 countries within April 2023:
- Sample of Job Postings from April 2023 (1.4k records; 3.3 MB JSON file)
If you need a more specific sample, please don't hesitate to contact our Data Team and let us know which dataset you are interested in. Our team will get back to you with a relevant sample to help you make an informed decision about purchasing the full dataset.
Build something great!
Unleash the full potential of our high-quality job postings to achieve your business objectives and gain a competitive edge in your industry!
Excellent Service
Our reliable services are tailored to meet your needs, helping you achieve your goals with confidence.
Scalable Solution
Our global coverage is designed to support your use-case, enabling you to easily add new markets.
Fast Set-up
Download JSON files from AWS S3 and pump them into your Databases or connect to our API in minutes.