Job API Overview

Techmap's Job Posting APIs

We store job postings as JSON in our Database and export it in daily data files with a more compact subset of essential data fields. We make them available via our API and we export them in daily datafiles with a subset of essential data fields. With our job posting data, you'll have all the information you need to build cutting-edge applications and drive success for your company.

Daily International Job Postings API

This API provides access to millions of daily international job postings from the last 3 months in JSON, CSV, RSS, ATOM, XML, or Parquet format. It allows users to search and filter job listings based on various criteria, such as job title, location, company, and more. Designed for simplicity and flexibility, it’s ideal for integrating job data into job boards, career websites, or analytics platforms.

Typical Use Cases

  • Job Board Backfilling – Populate your job board with fresh, high-quality job listings.
  • Niche Job Filtering – Extract and display jobs tailored to specific industries or locations.
  • Recruitment & HR Analytics – Gain insights into hiring trends and job market data.
  • Enriching career websites with relevant jobs for each career path.

Endpoints Overview

Query parameters are described in the OpenAPI definition

  • /search: Returns job postings in JSON or other formats, with full job description and JSON-LD, based on specified parameters. Query parameters are described in the OpenAPI definition
  • /count: Returns the count of job postings in JSON or other formats, based on specified parameters.
  • /distinct: Returns distinct values for query fields based on the past 30 days. Only availabel in higher subscription plans.
  • /statistics: Returns statistics on values for query fields based on the past 30 days. Only availabel in higher subscription plans.

Using Boolean Operators

The API supports boolean operators for advanced searches. Use + for "must include," - for "must not include," and double quotes for exact phrases. For example, title=+"software engineer" -remote finds jobs with "software engineer" in the title but excludes remote positions. Note: The + sign must be URL-encoded.

Output Fields

The API response is in JSON format (can be changed) and includes detailed job posting data. Each job posting contains fields such as job name, company, location, description, link, jsonLD, and more.

Field KeyField TypeDescriptionExample
apiStringThe name of the Job Posting API
apiVersionStringVersion of the endpoint v2.1
apiEndpointStringName of the endpointGET search result for Job Postings ...
pageIntegerPage number returned from pagination1
pageSizeIntegerMax. number of job postings per result10
totalCountIntegerTotal amount of job postings in the pagination.1069346
queryObjectThe query understood and used to query the Database.... see Example below ...
resultArray(Object)The array with the job postings as objects. (named 'job' below)... see job fields below ...
job.titleStringTitle or name of the job postingSAP TM (Transportation Module ) Functional Analyst
job.companyStringName of the company originally stated on the job posting or in its JSON.Avance Consulting
job.departmentStringName of the department in the company such as sales, finance, it, ... (very rare)IT
job.dateCreatedDateThe date and time the job posting was created by the company (as stated on the page or its JSON).2025-02-03T14:43:24.000Z
job.dateExpiredString (Date)The given date the posting is valid.2025-03-06T14:48:29.000Z
job.countryCodeString (ISO3166)The country code (from ISO3166) the job posting is located, e.g., 'us'.us
job.stateStringState the job or HQ is located in.TX
job.cityStringCity the job or HQ is located in.Cleveland
job.postCodeStringPostal or Zip code of the job or HQ is located in.77327
job.geoPointObjectThe geocoordinate object with latitude and longitude.{"lon": -95.02362, "lat": 30.33804}
job.timezoneString (Timezone)Timezone code (3-letters)CST
job.timezoneOffsetIntegerTimezone offset between -12 and +12 from GMT/UTC-6
job.hasSalaryBooleanIndicates if the job posting has salary information.True
job.minSalaryNumberThe minimum salary of the position.50000.00
job.workPlaceArray (String)List of workplaces such as Remote, Hybrid, Onsite, Field, ...["Onsite"]
job.careerLevelArray (String)List of career levels such as Junior, Senior, ...["Senior"]
job.contractTypeArray (String)List of contract types such as Permanent, Temporary, ...["DirectEmployment"]
job.workTypeArray (String)List of work types such as Fulltime, Parttime, ...["Permanent"]
job.languageString(ISOISO 639-1)Language the job posting is written in such as en, es, de, ...en
job.localeStringThe Locale of the job posting such as en_US, en_UK, de_CH, ...en_US
job.occupationStringThe job name reduced to a stem form (e.g., 'java programmer')Functional Analyst
job.skillsArray(String)The skills stated or identified with the job posting["Logistics","Autoconf","ABAP"]
job.industryStringThe industry stated or identified with the job postingTransport
job.isRecruiterBooleanIndicates if the job posting is from a Recruiting firm.False
job.isDirectBooleanIndicates if the job posting is directly from a company page or a job board.True
job.isActiveBooleanIndicates if the job posting is still active.True
job.dateActiveString (Date)The assumed date the posting is valid defined by validThrough or dateCreated +1 month2025-03-06T14:48:29.000Z
job.portalStringThe origin of the job posting such as monster, linkedin, ...dice
job.sourceStringThe origin of the job posting with a countrycode such as 'monster_uk'.dice_us
job.jsonLDObjectThe JSON-LD based on format from the original job posting's page enriched with job posting data. Can be directly used on a webpage.... see job.jsonLD below ...
job.jsonLD.identifierStringID of the job posting in Techmap's central database.67a0d794a315a1138e6bfaba
job.jsonLD.validThroughString (Date)The given date the posting is valid.2025-03-06T14:48:29.000Z
job.jsonLD.employmentTypeStringThe main employment type such as Permanent, Temporary, ...Direct Employment
job.jsonLD.salaryCurrencyStringThe currency the salary is defined in.USD
job.jsonLD.descriptionStringThe text of the job posting extracted from the webpage in markdown.... ful text in markdown ...
job.jsonLD.industryStringThe industry stated or identified with the job postingTransport
job.jsonLD.titleStringTitle or name of the job postingSAP TM (Transportation Module ) Functional Analyst
job.jsonLD.datePostedDateThe date and time the job posting was created by the company (as stated on the page or its JSON).2025-02-03T14:43:24.000Z
job.jsonLD.urlString (URL)The link where we found the job posting.
job.jsonLD .relevantOccupationStringTitle or name of the job postingFunctional Analyst
job.jsonLD .applicantLocationRequirementsStringRequirements on the location of the applicant.Onsite, CST Timezone
job.jsonLD.employmentUnitStringName of the employment unit or department in the company such as sales, finance, it, ... (very rare)IT
job.jsonLD.skillsArray(String)The skills stated or identified with the job posting["Logistics","Autoconf","ABAP"]
job.jsonLD.hiringOrganizationObjectThe information on the hiring company.... see job.jsonLD.hiringOrganization below ...
job.jsonLD.hiringOrganization .nameStringName of the company originally stated on the job posting or in its JSON.Avance Consulting
job.jsonLD.hiringOrganization .logoString (URL)Link to Logo of the company cached by techmap.
job.jsonLD.hiringOrganization .urlString (URL)Website of the company originally stated on the job posting or in its JSON.
job.jsonLD.hiringOrganization .identifierStringID of the company in Techmap's central database.5e1e4a2d824199645bd7e6a8
job.jsonLD.jobLocationObjectThe information on the job location.... see job.jsonLD.jobLocation below ...
job.jsonLD.jobLocation .identifierStringID of the location in Techmap's central database.5f5e4ed75151ac3cb7851ab1
job.jsonLD.jobLocation .nameStringThe location string as see on the job posting's webpage.Berlin, Germany
job.jsonLD.jobLocation .latitudeNumberThe location's latitude.30.33804
job.jsonLD.jobLocation .longitudeNumberThe location's longitude.-95.02362
job.jsonLD.jobLocation .addressObjectThe information on the job address.... see job.jsonLD.jobLocation.address below ...
job.jsonLD.jobLocation .address.addressCountryStringThe country as see on the job posting's webpage.United States
job.jsonLD.jobLocation .address.addressRegionStringThe state as see on the job posting's webpage.TX
job.jsonLD.jobLocation .address.addressLocalityStringThe city as see on the job posting's webpage.Cleveland
job.jsonLD.jobLocation .address.postalCodeStringPostal or Zip code of the job or HQ is located in.77327

Exemplary JSON Output

  "api": " Job Posting API",
  "apiVersion": "v2.1",
  "apiEndpoint": "GET search result for Job Postings by countryCode, dateCreated, language, industry, timezone, workPlace, etc.",
  "page": 1,
  "pageSize": 10,
  "totalCount": 1069346,
  "query": {
    "query": {
      "bool": {
        "must": [
            "range": {
              "dateCreated": {
                "gte": "2025-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                "lte": "2025-02-28T23:59:59.999Z"
            "match": {
              "countryCode": "us"
  "result": [
      "occupation": "Functional Analyst",
      "dateActive": "2025-03-06T14:48:29.000Z",
      "city": "Cleveland",
      "timezone": "CST",
      "contractType": [
      "language": "en",
      "industry": "Transport",
      "jsonLD": {
        "identifier": "67a0d794a315a1138e6bfaba",
        "validThrough": "2025-03-06T14:48:29.000Z",
        "employmentType": "Direct Employment",
        "@type": "JobPosting",
        "salaryCurrency": "USD",
        "description": "**Job Description:**...",
        "industry": "Transport",
        "title": "SAP TM (Transportation Module ) Functional Analyst",
        "@context": "",
        "url": "",
        "relevantOccupation": "Functional Analyst",
        "skills": [
          "Transportation Management",
          "Master data",
          "SAP TM",
        "hiringOrganization": {
          "identifier": "5e1e4a2d824199645bd7e6a8",
          "@type": "Organization",
          "name": "Avance Consulting",
          "logo": "",
          "@context": "",
          "url": ""
        "employmentUnit": "N/A",
        "jobLocation": {
          "identifier": "5f5e4ed75151ac3cb7851ab1",
          "address": {
            "addressCountry": "United States",
            "@type": "PostalAddress",
            "postalCode": "77327",
            "addressLocality": "Cleveland",
            "addressRegion": "TX",
            "@context": ""
          "@type": "Place",
          "latitude": 30.33804,
          "name": "Onsite",
          "@context": "",
          "longitude": -95.02362
        "datePosted": "2025-02-03",
        "applicantLocationRequirements": "Onsite, CST Timezone"
      "source": "dice_us",
      "locale": "en_US",
      "geoPoint": {
        "lon": -95.02362,
        "lat": 30.33804
      "title": "SAP TM (Transportation Module ) Functional Analyst",
      "skills": [
        "Transportation Management",
        "Master data",
        "SAP TM",
      "dateCreated": "2025-02-03T14:43:24.000Z",
      "timezoneOffset": -6,
      "countryCode": "us",
      "company": "Avance Consulting",
      "state": "TX",
      "portal": "dice",
      "department": "N/A",
      "workPlace": [
      "isRecruiter": false,
      "dateExpired": "2025-03-06T14:48:29.000Z",
      "hasSalary": false,
      "careerLevel": [
      "workType": [
      "postCode": "77327",
      "isDirect": false
  "resultSizeInBytes": 59203

Important Links

Try It Out!

Ready to explore the API? Sign up for an API key and get started with 250 free job postings per month.

Job Posting RSS Feed API

This API provides access to job posting from the last 3 months via RSS feeds. It allows users to define a search query and filter job listings based on various criteria. It is designed to be simple to use and integrate into existing Job Boards.

With millions of job postings monthly, it’s a powerful tool for pulling detailed job data, supporting advanced filtering, and enabling seamless updates for job boards or analytics platforms.

Typical Use Cases

  • Backfilling job boards with fresh, global job listings.
  • Filtering job listings for a niche job board.
  • Adding job widgets to external or internal webpages.
  • Enriching career websites with relevant jobs for each career path.

Endpoints Overview

  • /jobs_full: Returns a RSS Feed of job postings, with full job description, based on specified parameters. Search parameters are described in the OpenAPI definition

Using Boolean Operators

Most query parameters supports Boolean operators in the query parameter. Use "+" for "must include," "-" for "must not include," and double quotes for exact phrases. For example, title=+"software engineer",-remote finds jobs with "software engineer" in the title but excludes remote positions. Please note that you need to encode the "+" sign in the URL.

Output Fields

The response of the API contains the search result in RSS v2 format as defined in the RSS 2.0.11 Specification.

Exemplary Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
    <title> Job Posting RSS Feed API</title>
    <description>'s Job Posting API in RSS 2.0 Feed format based on a search query.</description>
    <pubDate>Fri, 21 Mar 2025 08:59:01 GMT</pubDate>
    <contact>Do you have any feedback for us? Missing fields? Unclear docu? Other improvement suggetions? Please contact us at</contact>
      <title>Entry-Level Lube Tech / Technician - Creston Park</title>
      <description>Overview ... </description>
      <pubDate>Thu, 06 Feb 2025 05:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <country>United States</country>
      <company>Valvoline Instant Oil Change</company>
      <workType>Holidays, Weekends, FlexTime</workType>
      <contractType>Holidays, Weekends, FlexTime</contractType>

Important Links

Try It Out!

Ready to see what our API can do for you? Sign up for a API key and get started with 300 free job postings per month.

Contact us today to learn more about
how our job posting data can benefit your business.