Job Data Overview

Our Data

Our data is provided in JSON format via an API or through downloadable daily data files for each country. You can subscribe to our Job Posting Datafeeds of individual countries, buy historical data starting from 2020 as Job Posting Datasets, or access specific slices of our Data via our Job Postings API (e.g., all Healthcare jobs for the EU)!

We offer our job posting data files on AWS Data Exchange (ADX) and our Job Postings API on RapidAPI.

Dataset Samples

To get first impression and test the workflow you can access our Luxembourg job dataset for free. Luxembourg largely dependent on the banking, steel, and industrial sectors. As of 2023, Luxembourg's population stands at 650k with a GDP per capita of 132k USD. The dataset starts January 1st, 2020, comprises of approx. 250k job ads, and grows by roughly 10k job listings monthly.

Alternatively, we have published several Datasets on Kaggle that you can explore:

or download a small JSON file with upto 3 records from 30 sources and 240 countries within April 2023:

If you need a more specific sample, please don't hesitate to contact our Data Team and let us know which dataset you are interested in. Our team will get back to you with a relevant sample to help you make an informed decision about purchasing the full dataset.

Dataset Data Fields

We store job postings as JSON in our Database and export it in daily data files with a more compact subset of essential data fields. We make them available via our API and we export them in daily datafiles with a subset of essential data fields. With our job posting data, you'll have all the information you need to build cutting-edge applications and drive success for your company.

Exported Data Fields (via Datafeeds & Datasets)

Our job postings in the datafiles is stored using JSON Lines, a popular format for structured data. Each posting contains a comprehensive set of essential data fields that can be used to extract valuable insights and inform your business decisions. The following Table lists the fields available in the data files as of August 2023.

Field KeyField TypePercentageDescription
sourceString100.00%The origin of the job posting with a countrycode such as 'monster_us'.
sourceCCString (ISO3166)100.00%The countrycode (ISO3166) the job posting is located, e.g., 'us'.
idInSourceString100.00%The ID used in the source the job posting originated from.
nameString100.00%The title of the job posting.
urlString (URL)100.00%The link where we found the job posting.
textString100.00%The text of the job posting extracted from the html field.
htmlString (HTML)100.00%The original HTML used on the Website or stored in the JSON of the job posting page.
jsonObject100.00%The original JSON objects found in the job posting page including job posting data if available.
referenceIDString30.40%An ID stated on the job postings page given by the original company for internal use.
position.*Object99.96%Data concerning the job position such as name, contract type (e.g., Permanent), work type (e.g., full-time), or career level (e.g., Junior).
salary.*Object22.91%Data concerning the job salary such as amount and period (e.g., 'Weekly').
contact.*Object30.83%Data about contact information such as contact name, email, phone, or physical address.
orgTags.*Object99.73%Tags found on the job posting page (e.g., skills such as 'Java'), in the JSON (e.g., benefits) or from the browsing hierarchy (e.g., 'IT Jobs').
location.orgAddress.*Object100.00%Data about the location of the job as originally stated on the job posting or its JSON.
company.*Object100.00%Data about the company of the job as originally stated on the job posting or its JSON.
localeString28.24%The language locale the job posting is written for (might not always be correct).
dateCreatedDate100.00%The date and time the job posting was created by the company (as stated on the page or its JSON).
dateScrapedDate100.00%The date and time the job posting was loaded and analyzed.

Database Data Fields

The job postings in our database are stored using JSON and contain the following data fields (generated using variety.js from an April 2023 data slice over all countries). Please note that we do not list some internal data fields as well as the JSON taken from the job posting page.

Field KeyField TypeCountedPercentage
_idObjectId8 M100.00%
contactObject3 M30.83%
contact.addressString74 K0.89%
contact.emailString845 K10.06%
contact.nameString281 K3.34%
contact.phoneString2 M24.12%
dateCreatedDate8 M100.00%
dateExpiredDate4 M48.71%
dateScrapedDate8 M100.00%
datesUpdatedArray452 K5.38%
htmlString8 M100.00%
idInSourceString8 M100.00%
jsonObject6 M73.42%
lastUpdatedDate61 K0.73%
localeString2 M28.24%
nameString8 M100.00%
orgAddressObject8 M100.00%
orgAddress.addressLineString8 M100.00%
orgAddress.cityString6 M75.15%
orgAddress.companyNameString8 M100.00%
orgAddress.countryString8 M98.31%
orgAddress.countryCodeString8 M95.65%
orgAddress.countyString8 M99.55%
orgAddress.districtString8 M98.04%
orgAddress.formattedString8 M100.00%
orgAddress.geoPointObject2 M28.98%
orgAddress.geoPoint.latNumber2 M28.98%
orgAddress.geoPoint.lngNumber2 M28.98%
orgAddress.houseNumberString8 M99.49%
orgAddress.levelNumber8 M100.00%
orgAddress.postCodeString3 M37.29%
orgAddress.quarterString8 M99.09%
orgAddress.sourceString933 K11.11%
orgAddress.stateString6 M66.03%
orgAddress.streetString4 M41.80%
orgCompanyObject8 M100.00%
orgCompany.descriptionString6 M73.49%
orgCompany.idInSourceString8 M100.00%
orgCompany.imgCoverString8 M98.90%
orgCompany.imgLogoString8 M98.97%
orgCompany.infoObject809 K9.63% K0.19% K1.20% K1.20% K1.20%, Number707 K8.42% K1.98% K3.64% K1.84% K1.84% K3.52%
orgCompany.nameString8 M100.00%
orgCompany.nameOrgString8 M100.00%
orgCompany.orgTagsObject306 K3.64%
orgCompany.orgTags.INDUSTRIESArray306 K3.64%
orgCompany.registryIDString8 M98.45%
orgCompany.sourceString8 M100.00%
orgCompany.sourceCCString8 M100.00%
orgCompany.urlString4 M42.33%
orgTagsObject8 M99.73%
orgTags.CATEGORIESArray5 M64.52%
orgTags.COMPANY_BENEFITSArray273 K3.26%
orgTags.COMPANY_TYPESArray6 K0.07%
orgTags.CONTRACT_TYPESArray86 K1.03%
orgTags.INDUSTRIESArray3 M36.63%
orgTags.JOBNAMESArray3 M35.34%
orgTags.KEYWORDSArray2 M21.70%
orgTags.LANGUAGESArray50 K0.59%
orgTags.QUALIFICATIONSArray644 K7.67%
orgTags.REQUIREMENTSArray462 K5.51%
orgTags.RESPONSIBILITIESArray77 K0.91%
orgTags.SKILLSArray679 K8.09%
orgTags.WORK_TYPESArray75 K0.90%
positionObject8 M99.96%
position.careerLevelString2 M23.09%
position.contractTypeString2 M26.72%
position.departmentString1 M11.93%
position.nameString8 M99.79%
position.workTypeString5 M60.73%
referenceIDString3 M30.40%
salaryObject2 M22.91%
salary.periodString1 M12.08%
salary.textString1 M15.17%
salary.valueNumber1 M12.01%
sourceString8 M100.00%
sourceCCString8 M100.00%
textString8 M100.00%
urlString8 M100.00%

Contact us today to learn more about
how our job posting data can benefit your business.