Job Postings by

Unlock the most up-to-date job market insights and get a comprehensive overview of our extensive job postings database in countries sharing the same primary language!

Job Posting Datasets & Data feeds with a shared Language

Are you in need of job posting datasets from countries with the same official language? We can help! Our data feeds provide you with detailed and up-to-date job posting data from a range of countries around the world that share the same official language.

Our datasets enable you to easily analyze and extract valuable insights such as in-demand skills, trending job postings, and company signals across multiple countries with a shared language. Whether you're looking to enrich your job board or gain strategic market intelligence, our country-specific datasets are the perfect solution.

Contact us today to learn more about
how our job posting data can benefit your business.

Build something great!

Unleash the full potential of our high-quality job postings to achieve your business objectives and gain a competitive edge in your industry!

Excellent Service

Our reliable services are tailored to meet your needs, helping you achieve your goals with confidence.

Scalable Solution

Our global coverage is designed to support your use-case, enabling you to easily add new markets.

Fast Set-up

Download JSON files from AWS S3 and pump them into your Databases or connect to our API in minutes.

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