Job Posting Data for
the NAFTA Region

Gain comprehensive insights into job postings across the the NAFTA Region and discover the latest job market status with our extensive database!

Job Posting Datasets & Data feeds

Looking to extract valuable insights from job postings in the NAFTA Region Region? Look no further than our job data stream, which provides you with access to approximately ~50 K job postings per day, or over ~1.5 M per month (Average of the last 3 months).

Our country-specific datasets allow you to easily analyze job postings and extract insights into in-demand skills, trending job postings, company signals, recruitment strategies, market trends and opportunities, company hiring patterns, sales intelligence, and competitive research.

Job Statistics for the NAFTA Region

Countries above 10k Jobs/month3
Countries above 1k Jobs/month3
Countries above 100 Jobs/month3

Techmap Job Statistics for the NAFTA Region

Country# JobsCI# SourcesRIPopulationGDP (USD)GDP per Capita (USD)
United States
331.9 M23.3 T70.2 K
38.2 M2.0 T52.0 K
126.7 M1.3 T10.0 K
CI = Coverage Indicator (approximated by labor force or population count adjusted by employment rate, job tenure, under-reporting, GDP per Capita, and number of sources without seasonal effects)
RI = Robustness Indicator (approximated by number of sources, population, and GDP per capita)

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